What problems do fleas cause pets?

Fleas are tiny pests that survive by feeding on the blood of mammals. While humans may be targeted by fleas, these pests often favor our dogs and cats, living in their fur and biting them whenever they get hungry. If a flea infestation is plaguing your pets, they can suffer the following problems:

  • Itchiness – Flea bites cause intense skin irritation, which can lead to your pet constantly scratching, biting or licking in an attempt to relieve the itchiness. If a cat or dog continually scratches and chews at flea bites, it can worsen their skin irritation and create open sores.
  • Allergic Reaction – Some pets develop flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), an allergic reaction to flea saliva. Even a few flea bites can trigger a reaction that causes severe itching, hair loss, and skin infections.
  • Anemia – Fleas feed on the blood of their host and, while adult pets are unlikely to lose more blood they can afford to, kittens and puppies may suffer anemia. Because of this, severe flea infestations can be life-threatening for young or small pets if not treated.
  • Tapeworms – Fleas are hosts for tapeworms, parasites that can live in the intestines of your pets. If a dog or cat swallows an infected flea while grooming, they can become infested with tapeworms, which often cause serious digestive issues and weight loss.
  • Infection & Inflammation – When a dog or cat is infested with fleas, it will continuously scratch at the bite areas, which may eventually break the skin. This can result in bacterial infections or areas of inflamed skin on your pet.

If you’ve been having problems with fleas attacking your pets and invading your home, give Pest Control Solutions & Services a call today to request flea control services in the St. Petersburg area!

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