Is fumigation 100% effective?

Fumigation is a pest control process that involves filling a structure with gaseous pesticide in order to get rid of drywood termites, bed bugs, and other persistent insect species. Because fumigation is such an intensive process that can reach pests inside of walls and in other ordinarily inaccessible areas, it is one of the most reliable pest control methods. However, as reliable as fumigation is, it is not guaranteed to be 100% effective.

While fumigation can thoroughly remove all termites or other pests from your home in the St. Petersburg area, there are certain factors which can impact its effectiveness:

  • The type of pest you’re trying to get rid of. Different insect species have varying capacities to build up an immunity to the pesticides used in fumigation. Bed bugs, for example, can be more challenging than drywood termites to completely exterminate with fumigation.
  • Whether or not the fumigation process is handled properly from start to finish. Failing to expose the entirety of your home to the fumigant or doing so for too short a time may fail to achieve 100% extermination. This is why it’s important to always hire a professional exterminator in St. Petersburg to perform fumigation services.
  • How well your home is prepared for the fumigation process. It’s critical to fully seal your home so that the pesticides cannot leak out during the fumigation process. Otherwise, you may fail to exterminate all of the pests within.
  • The temperature and humidity of your home interior. If your home gets too hot and humid during the fumigation process, the fumigant’s ability to penetrate walls and eliminate all termites or other pests may be reduced.

Get in touch with Pest Control Solutions & Services today if you’re in need of professional fumigation services in the St. Petersburg area!

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