What damage can rodents cause on my property?

Rodents are among the pests that can be the most destructive to your property. Mice and rats love to take shelter in our homes, and the first sign of their intrusion will often be the damage they cause while living in your walls, attic, garage or crawl space. Because the incisors of rodents never stop growing, they will constantly gnaw on their surroundings to file these teeth down. They’ll also cause damage with their nesting behaviors and their waste.

Insulation is often the first target for rodent damage, since mice and rats love to shred up this material and use it to build their nests. If you notice insulation with chunks ripped out of it or stained with rodent urine and feces, you’ll know you have rats or mice living in your home in the St. Petersburg area. You might discover rodent nests made with insulation and other materials like fabric, newspaper, drywall or straw.

Rodents can also be very destructive to wiring, which poses a danger to your household. Every year, multiple house fires start because a rat or mouse decides to file its teeth on electric wires that then become exposed and spark around flammable materials. Even if rodents don’t start a fire by gnawing on wires, they can cut off power to parts of your home or get electrocuted and die in your walls, producing a horrible smell as they decompose. Aside from wiring, rodents also chew on wood, drywall, and piping to file their teeth.

Another form of rodent damage to St. Petersburg homes comes in the form of their droppings and urine. Mice and rats will freely urinate and defecate throughout your home, creating stains and leaving behind a stench that’s tough to remove. Materials that have been soiled by rodent droppings should be disposed of to prevent diseases like leptospirosis and salmonellosis.Are you concerned about rodent damage in your home? Contact Pest Control Solutions & Services today for the most effective rodent control services in the St. Petersburg area!

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