What do you do after flea extermination?

Flea infestations can be a nightmare for homeowners in the St. Petersburg area. Unfortunately, due to our hot and humid climate, fleas flourish in our area and infestations are common, especially for households with cats or dogs that go outdoors. The best way to solve flea problems is to hire a licensed flea exterminator to apply treatments to your home. However, even after flea extermination services, it’s not uncommon for the bugs to come back. That’s why it’s important to take certain steps after professional flea extermination to keep the infestation from resurging.

Start by vacuuming your home’s floors, carpeting, and rugs thoroughly and frequently to get rid of any flea eggs or larvae that survive the extermination process. For the best results, vacuum daily for two weeks following treatment. You may want to throw out and replace pet bedding in case any fleas are still lurking within it. If you choose to keep pet bedding, wash and dry it at high heat to eliminate fleas.

It’s equally important to prevent fleas from infesting your pets again. Treat your cats and dogs with a vet-approved flea treatment to kill off any fleas that have remained hidden in their fur and prevent more from latching onto them. To be extra thorough, go through your pets’ fur with a flea comb to find and physically remove any remaining fleas or their eggs. Continue to monitor your pets for the next few weeks for excessive scratching, visible skin irritation or any other signs of the fleas making a comeback.

Reach out to Pest Control Solutions & Services today if you’re looking for professional flea control services in the St. Petersburg area!

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