Can fleas live in carpet?

There are few situations more unpleasant than dealing with a flea infestation in your home. These microscopic, blood-drinking insects love to bite our ankles and terrorize our pets. Because fleas are so small, it can be difficult to figure out where they’re coming from and even tougher to get rid of them. Most commonly, when fleas get into homes in the St. Petersburg area, they take up residence in carpeting. Other areas where fleas will live include rugs, pet bedding, and furniture.

Fleas most commonly enter homes in the fur of dogs and cats that go outdoors. They will also lay their eggs directly on your pets. However, as pets move around within your home, many of these eggs will fall off into the carpet. Upon hatching, flea larvae will thrive in the cover of carpeting, particularly high pile carpets, until they mature into adults and the cycle repeats.

Unfortunately, removing fleas from your carpeting is no easy chore. Fleas only grow up to ⅛ inch long, making them incredibly difficult to spot amidst the veritable dense forest of your carpet. These pests also have tough exoskeletons, so if you step on them – deliberately or accidentally – they’re unlikely to be crushed.

The only reliable way to exterminate fleas living in your carpeting is to get help from a professional flea control company. Trained exterminators work with highly effective flea removal treatments that can be used to eradicate fleas from your carpet, rugs, and all other areas. If you’re looking for reliable flea control solutions in the St. Petersburg area, give Pest Control Solutions & Services a call today!

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